Building Miniature Live Steam Locomotives in 1/8 scale
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each with a multitude of pages describing the construction of the locos!
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Building a Live Steam locomotive from scratch |
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Join us for a ride with the "666":
Text & images Copyright © 2000-2007 by J-E Nyström, Ulvilantie 2, FIN-00350 Helsinki, Finland
Copying, distribution or any commercial usage prohibited.
Many thanks to the volunteers who have agreed to host this mirror of my original, now defunct site!
The "legal stuff":
The facts and contents on this website are obtained from sources which are believed to be reliable. However, the author of the site assumes no legal liability of any kind for the information contained herein nor for conclusions drawn by any party from it.
All information presented on this website (especially any do-it-yourself instruction) is given without any acceptance of liability for damage or injury - so, always remember: SAFETY FIRST!
Even though linking to the ANI-MATO site is encouraged, you are NOT allowed to publish links directly to the individual sub-pages of this site. Reason: This site uses "frames", and a link to a sub-page will not include any table of contents, making it impossible to navigate this site. Also, you are expressly forbidden to link to the ANIMATO site, be it pages, text or images, from within your own webpages using "frames". Instead, link ONLY to the main page and MENTION, in your TEXT, all the goodies you wish people to know about! Thank you!