Uses of Class

Uses of Document in jApp

Classes in jApp with type parameters of type Document
 class AbstractSelectionCommand<T extends Document>
 class Command<T extends Document>

Methods in jApp that return Document
 Document Application.getActiveDocument()
          Gets the active document.
 Document DocumentWindow.getDocument()
 Document DocumentView.getDocument()
 Document Application.openNewDocument(java.lang.String type)
          Tries to create and open a new (empty) document of the given type.
 Document Application.openOldDocument(java.lang.String file, boolean isTemplate)
          Given a filename tries to create and load an old (existing) document from that file.
 Document Application.tryOpenNewDocument()
          Tries to open a new (empty) document of default type.
 Document Application.tryOpenOldDocument()
          Tries to open an existing document by letting the user choose a file.
 Document Application.tryOpenOldDocument(java.lang.String file, boolean isTemplate)

Methods in jApp that return types with arguments of type Document
 java.lang.Iterable<Document> Application.getDocuments()
          Gets a an Iterable to iterate over all open documents

Methods in jApp with parameters of type Document
 void Selectable.addItemsToRightClick(Document document, javax.swing.JPopupMenu popupMenu)
protected  void Command.addItemsToRightClick(Document document, javax.swing.JPopupMenu popupMenu)
          Handles right clicks.
 PreviewDialog Document.createPreviewDialog(Document d)
          Creates and returns a new PreviewDialog for this document.
static java.lang.Iterable<FileType> FileTypeRegistry.getFileTypes(Document document)
 java.lang.Iterable<FileType> Application.getFileTypes(Document handler)
          Gets an Iterable over the file FileTypes that the given Document can handle.
 void WindowState.restoreWindow(Document document)

Constructors in jApp with parameters of type Document
DocumentView(boolean background, Document document)
DocumentView(Document document)
DocumentWindow(Document document)
ModalDialog(Document doc, java.lang.String title)
PreviewDialog(Document doc)