Uses of Class

Uses of FileType in jApp

Methods in jApp that return FileType
 FileType Document.getFileType()
          Gets the FileType for this document.
 FileType FileTypeRegistry.registerFileType(java.lang.Class handler, java.lang.String extension, java.lang.String mimeType, java.lang.String perceivedName)
 FileType FileTypeRegistry.registerFileType(java.lang.Class handler, java.lang.String extension, java.lang.String mimeType, java.lang.String perceivedName, int flags)

Methods in jApp that return types with arguments of type FileType
static java.lang.Iterable<FileType> FileTypeRegistry.getFileTypes(Document document)
 java.lang.Iterable<FileType> Application.getFileTypes(Document handler)
          Gets an Iterable over the file FileTypes that the given Document can handle.
 java.util.Iterator<FileType> FileTypeRegistry.iterator()

Methods in jApp with parameters of type FileType
 jApp.FileTypeRegistry.FileTypeFileFilter FileTypeRegistry.getFilterFor(FileType ft, int flag)
protected  boolean Document.okToSaveToFile( f, FileType ft)
          Checks if it is ok to save to a file of the given type.